Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Easy Breezy Japanesey

This time, it is totally going to happen.

October 5, 2004, about three and a half years ago, my FAVORITE Japanese singer, Utada, released an album in the US called Exodus. I'm sure you have never heard of her, at least knowingly, unless I've made you listen to "Easy Breezy" in which case, that was her! Anyways, 19 year old Sachi was SOOOO excited about it, I remember I went to the CD store in Lexington that day to buy it. I was super disappointed when it was not there, nor did I ever find it there. I ended up having my aunt buy it in Japan and ship it over and I understood why it never went mainstream. It just wasn't very good, especially in comparison to her Japanese stuff.

Nevertheless, she is trying it again. Her new album, This is the One, was released digitally on iTunes and Amazon and the actual CD comes out May 19th (which I already have reserved on Amazon! I am an uber-fan, what can I say!) and HOPEFULLY this time, she will go down in history as the first Japanese singer to go mainstream in America :-)

Here is a song from her new album if you are interested (it's not the official video because it won't let me embed that one)

If you like, you should check out her website to listen to her other songs.

In my opinion, her best Japanese song is her first single, "Automatic."


  1. Man, we don't seem to agree about music *at all*! I was gonna mention that my favorite Utada song was the Kingdom Hearts one, but you know my feelings on the subject of Bonnie Pink :)

  2. Haha yeah! I don't really like the Kingdom Hearts song (aka Hikari).... and I only like one Bonnie Pink song!
