It's so strange sometimes how related but not related things can happen around the same time.
Two days ago, a background check agency called the Student Housing Legal Clinic (where I work part-time) to make sure that I worked there (on behalf of Honda). Anyways, my boss tells me about it later, and apparently they said, "Does Sachiyo Isoda work there? I'm pretty sure she goes by Marianne."
Now, Marianne is my middle name, and I'm not saying there is anything wrong with Asian Americans who go by an "American" name (my Canadian cousins do it), but that's just not my style. I can't believe they would even assume that I would rather go by Marianne.
So then I get this article link from NAPABA, and here's what it says...
"[NAPABA] is outraged by the comments made at an April 7 legislative hearing by Texas State Representative Betty Brown, including the statement that Asian Pacific Americans should adopt names that are 'easier for Americans to deal with.'"
(for more, read
RIDICULOUS. I am very grateful to be working in an environment much more culturally sensitive than that, because my boss apparently answered to the rude phone call, "Sachiyo works here, and she goes by Sachiyo." I think we should start handing out pamphlets saying, "Rule #1 about being culturally sensitive. Never make assumptions."
Wait, I thought you liked me calling you Marianne?
ReplyDeleteWhen I hear Marianne, I think of Sense and Sensibility. And then I think of Priya :P
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Blogspot is super-annyoing! Every time I left a comment as berrypoundcake it kept making me sign in three or four times. And then it tries to usurp my Google account. And then when I do try using my (other) Google account, it doesn't work. Gar........
testing... does this thing work??
ReplyDeleteYep! I have no clue why it makes it so difficult.
ReplyDeleteWe all know what assuming does...